Get to know me


Nice to meet you!

I’m a learning experience designer with 10+ years of global experience in instructional design & LxD. My passions for discovery, aesthetics, and making a difference drive my work.

My background is in facilitation, blended learning, and language learning. After earning my masters in German language and education, I worked corporate learning and leadership in Europe for a few years. I eventually came back to the United States to pursue a joint Ph.D in Comparative Media Analysis & Practice and digital language learning at Vanderbilt University.

After completing my Ph.D, I returned to corporate learning and have held roles in the education, healthcare, and beauty industries.


What I love doing

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Whether its working with cross-functional teams of SMEs, leaders, and other learning experts to create innovative and impactful eLearning experiences or facilitating in-person sessions, I love collaborating with and learning from others.

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Utilizing new tech

I love diving into ways that technology can enhance and improve the learning process. From leveraging mobile learning platforms to other delivery methods like VR and AR, I believe that we must experiment and iterate to be truly successful.


Strategic thinking

Meaningful organizational learning can’t happen in a vacuum. I love thinking about how aligned, strategic learning drives organizational mission, vision, and values. Finding ways to achieve this alignment is at the heart of my work.